Make Tough Capital Decisions Now

Photo by Marc Rafanell López on Unsplash

This post firmly offers advice to travel startups and companies starting to raise capital, have partially raised a round, or any travel startup that needs more capital & revenue.   Remember that my viewpoint refers to capital raising and funding, not the overall travel market, which will likely be strong through Q4 2022, as I addressed in an earlier post.   Capital Is Scarce For...

Plan for 18-Month Runway

Plan for 18-Month Runway

If I ran a travel startup or company, I would actively plan for 18 months of challenging capital raising times starting Q1 2023. You need to survive the next 12 months and, in all likelihood, the next 18 months without raising any additional capital. Act now if your travel startup expects to run out of money in the next six months. Make the tough decisions now to...

A Nuanced Time To Invest In Travel

Significant Change Enables Significant Opportunities

The travel industry is NOT experiencing the case of "rising tides lift all boats"; the tide (for the travel industry) isn't rising that fast, nor as broadly, to warrant this characterization, in my opinion, as of Sep 2022. At the moment and in the future, successfully investing in travel requires an experienced travel industry veteran point of view to know where to invest and...

Significant Change Enables Significant Opportunities


People ask if the pandemic is forcing me to switch away from exclusively investing in travel companies versus opening up our mandate for other industries, to which my response is a resounding NO. Absolutely not; it's more profitable to make travel investments with the industry turning the corner on COVID (tangibly and in sentiment). One notion from last week's discussion with Jean-Francois that particularly...

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